Installation ++++++++++++ pyNomo is a `python `_ library and thus requires working python installation on the computer. pyNomo stands on the shoulders of (read: requires) the python packages: `numpy `_, `scipy `_ and `pyx `_ that requires LaTeX-installation. From version > 0.3.0 pynomo is compatible both with python 2 and python 3. Though python2 compatibility will drop out in coming releases. For editing pyNomo scripts any text browser works but integrated development environment (IDE) for python can speed up developments. Good free IDE alternatives are for example `PyCharm community edition `_ and `spyder `_. .. include:: installation_OSX.rst .. include:: installation_OSX_py3.rst .. include:: installation_linux.rst .. include:: installation_linux_py3.rst .. include:: installation_win.rst .. include:: installation_docker.rst .. include:: installation_docker_py3.rst